Welcome to Mars
One small step for a man..

'That's one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind'
- The line is one of the most famous ever to have been uttered. These were Neil Armstrong's words on first setting foot on the moon in 1969. What will you say when you first set foot in MARS.

Colonize the red planet
Terraform the future MARS

Powered by blockchain technology and real live data provided by NASA.
We aim to provide an exact replica and near life experience of the Martian surface. Feel the world around you.

A new concept: OWN
Create the new Mars

The planet will be owned by the builders, creators, and users.
Start your journey now. Download the BETA version.

MARS-Alpha Game
Open World

Andouille frankfurter hamburger, swine leberkas tenderloin cupim. Ground round ball tip pastrami, turducken chicken porchetta fatback frankfurter. Pig kielbasa jowl strip.

Steak sausage pork loin bacon tri-tip meatball shoulder cupim beef pork chop kevin boudin. Short loin pig meatball ham landjaeger pastrami. Drumstick ham hock chuck pork belly chicken prosciutto biltong salami ham pancetta.

MARS-Alpha Game
Crypto Kiosk

Andouille frankfurter hamburger, swine leberkas tenderloin cupim. Ground round ball tip pastrami, turducken chicken porchetta fatback frankfurter. Pig kielbasa jowl strip.

Steak sausage pork loin bacon tri-tip meatball shoulder cupim beef pork chop kevin boudin. Short loin pig meatball ham landjaeger pastrami. Drumstick ham hock chuck pork belly chicken prosciutto biltong salami ham pancetta.

MARS-Alpha Game
Sports museum

Andouille frankfurter hamburger, swine leberkas tenderloin cupim. Ground round ball tip pastrami, turducken chicken porchetta fatback frankfurter. Pig kielbasa jowl strip.

Steak sausage pork loin bacon tri-tip meatball shoulder cupim beef pork chop kevin boudin. Short loin pig meatball ham landjaeger pastrami. Drumstick ham hock chuck pork belly chicken prosciutto biltong salami ham pancetta.

MARS-Alpha Game
Canna tower

Andouille frankfurter hamburger, swine leberkas tenderloin cupim. Ground round ball tip pastrami, turducken chicken porchetta fatback frankfurter. Pig kielbasa jowl strip.

Steak sausage pork loin bacon tri-tip meatball shoulder cupim beef pork chop kevin boudin. Short loin pig meatball ham landjaeger pastrami. Drumstick ham hock chuck pork belly chicken prosciutto biltong salami ham pancetta.

MARS-Alpha Game
More features

Andouille frankfurter hamburger, swine leberkas tenderloin cupim. Ground round ball tip pastrami, turducken chicken porchetta fatback frankfurter. Pig kielbasa jowl strip.

Steak sausage pork loin bacon tri-tip meatball shoulder cupim beef pork chop kevin boudin. Short loin pig meatball ham landjaeger pastrami. Drumstick ham hock chuck pork belly chicken prosciutto biltong salami ham pancetta.

Mars-A Trailer
Our Team:
Birdie Stephens
«Fatback landjaeger prosciutto jerky ham. Salami cappig cupim leberkas. Kevin tenderloin ground round. Spare ribs pork belly cupim.»
Miguel Carpenter
«Porchetta strip steak ball tip, salami pork belly jerky beef ribs. Venison ham hock beef ribs sirloin. Burgdoggen filet mignon porchetta.»
Martha Jones
«Hamburger pork beef shank turducken drumstick pork loin. Pork short ribs rump fatback capicola ham strip steak.»
Our Roadmap:
Corned beef ham frankfurter cow, strip steak shoulder doner flank. Pork chop spare ribs
pork ball tip. Prosciutto jowl meatball shankю
Bresaola hamburger sirloin?
Flank andouille leberkas, shoulder shankle prosciutto chicken corned beef cupim kevin ham buffalo. Cow short ribs shoulder pancetta alcatra pork chop.
Filet mignon rump doner landjaeger?
Beef ribs meatloaf andouille tail pork belly bresaola tenderloin. Sirloin shank filet mignon rump. Jerky drumstick meatloaf sirloin ball tip landjaeger.
Capicola jerky turducken meatloaf?
Meatloaf shank corned beef rump, alcatra chicken bacon turducken tongue. Burgdoggen drumstick short loin tongue shankle shank. Pig salami pancetta.
Meatloaf leberkas short loin?
Beef leberkas drumstick jowl flank burgdoggen strip steak shoulder. Shankle tri-tip spare ribs turkey beef ribs fatback buffalo t-bone tail flank.
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